Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011
CMD (Command Prompt) - All Commands
ADDUSERS - Memasukkan/ menambah user ke/dari file CSV.
ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
ASSOC Change - file extension associations
ASSOCIAT - One step file association
AT Schedule - Perintah untuk membuat shedule program (utk dijalankan kemudian waktu)
ATTRIB - Mengganti atribut file
BOOTCFG - Edit boot setting windows
BROWSTAT - Mencari info domain,browser dan PDC
CACLS - Mengganti/mengubah file permissions
CALL - Memanggil sebuah program batch
CD - Memindahkan ke sebuah folder tertentu.
CHANGE - Mengubah Properties pada Terminal Server
CHKDSK - Memeriksa dan memperbaiki file system
CHKNTFS - Memeriksa NTFS file system
CHOICE - Menerima input keyboard ke dalam sebuah batch file
CIPHER - Encrypt-Decrypt files/folders
CleanMgr - Membersihkan secara otomatis Temporary files, recycle bin
CLEARMEM - Membersihkan memory
CLIP - meng-Copy STDIN ke Windows clipboard.
CLS - Membersihkan layar CMD
CLUSTER - Windows Clustering
CMD - Membuka layar CMD/ command prompt
COLOR - Mengganti warna pada window CMD
COMP - Membandingkan isi dari 2 atau lebih file
COMPACT - kompres file/folder di dalam partisi NTFS
COMPRESS - kompres file individu di dalam partisi NTFS
CON2PRT - Connect atau disconnect sebuah Printer
CONVERT - Convert FAT drive menjadi NTFS.
COPY - Copy 1 atau lebih file ke lokasi tertentu
CSVDE - Import/Export Active Directory data
DATE - Menampilkan/mengatur tanggal
Dcomcnfg - DCOM Configuration Utility
DEFRAG - Defragment hard drive
DEL - Menghapus 1 atau lebih file
DELPROF - Menghapus User Profile NT
DELTREE - Menghapus sebuah folder beserta subfolder
DevCon - Device Manager Command Line Utility
DIR - Menampilkan daftar file/folder dari sebuah drive
DIRUSE - Menampilkan disk usage/kapasitas disk
DISKCOMP - Membandingkan isi dari 2 buah floppy disk
DISKCOPY - Copy isi dari sebuah floppy disk ke floppy disk lainnya
DNSSTAT - DNS Statistics
DOSKEY - Mengedit command line,recall commands,dan create macros
DSADD - Menambah user (computer, group..) ke dalam active directory
DSQUERY - Menambah item ke dalam active directory
DSMOD - Modify user (computer, group..) di dalam active directory
ECHO - Menampilkan message pada monitor
ERASE - Menghapus satu atau lebih file
EXIT - keluar dari window CMD
EXPAND - Uncompress file
EXTRACT - Uncompress CAB files
FC - Membandingkan 2 buah file
FDISK - Disk Format dan partition
FIND - Mencari sebuah text string di dalam sebuah file
FINDSTR - Mencari strings di dalam files
FOR /F -Loop command: untuk beberapa files sekaligus
FOR - Loop command: all options Files, Directory, List
FORFILES - Batch process multiple files
FORMAT - Memformat sebuah disk
FREEDISK - Menampilkan free disk space (dalam bytes)
FSUTIL - File and Volume utilities
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
FTYPE - Menampilkan/mengubah file types yg digunakan dalam file extension
GLOBAL - Menampilkan daftar anggota dalam global groups
GOTO - Mengarahkan sebuah program batch untuk melompat ke labelled line
HELP - Online Help
HFNETCHK - Network Security Hotfix Checker
IF - Conditionally perform a command (perintah bersyarat)
IPCONFIG - Configure IP
KILL - Menghapus program dari memory
LABEL - Memberi/mengubah label disk
LOCAL - Menampilkan daftar anggota local groups
LOGEVENT - Menulis text ke dalam NT event viewer.
LOGOFF - Keluar dari system / Mengeluarkan user dari system
LOGTIME - mencatat tanggal dan waktu dalam sebuah file
MAPISEND - Mengirim e-mail dari command line
MEM - Menampilkan memory usage
MD - Create new folders
MODE - Configure a system device
MOUNTVOL - Mengatur Mount point dalam sebuah volume
MOVE - Memindahkan file dari sebuah folder ke folder lain
MOVEUSER - Menindahkan user dari sebuah domain ke domain lain
MSG - Mengirim message
MSIEXEC - Microsoft Windows Installer
MSINFO - Windows NT diagnostics
MSTSC - Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
MUNGE - Mencari dan Menganti text di dalam sebuah file (find & replace)
MV - Meng-copy file yang sedang/sementara digunakan
NET - Mengatur network resources
NETDOM - Domain Manager
NETSH - Configure network protocols
NETSVC - Command-line Service Controller
NBTSTAT - Menampilkan networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
NETSTAT - Menampilkan networking statistics (TCP/IP)
NOW - Menampilkan current Date and Time
NSLOOKUP - Name server lookup
NTBACKUP - Backup folders
NTRIGHTS - Edit user account rights (wilayah akses yg diizinkan oleh admin)
PATH - Menampilkan atau mengatur search path untuk executable files
PATHPING - Melacak route plus network latency dan packet loss
PAUSE - Menahan proses sebuah batch file and menampilkan message
PERMS - Menampilkan permissions (wilayah akses) user
PERFMON - Performance Monitor
PING - Menguji (test) network connection
POPD - Restore previous value dari sebuah directory yang di-save oleh PUSHD
PORTQRY - Menampilkan status ports dan service
PRINT - Print text file
PRNCNFG - Menampilkan, mengatur, atau mengubah nama printer
PRNMNGR - Menampilkan, menghapus, atau menambah daftar printer; set default printer
PROMPT - Mengubah command prompt
PsExec - Menjalankan proses jarak jauh (remote)
PsFile - Menunjukkan file2 yang dibuka dari jarak jauh
PsGetSid - Menampilkan SID sebuah computer atau user
PsInfo - Menampilkan informasi dari sebuah system
PsKill - Menghentikan proses melalui process ID
PsList - Menampilkan detail informasi dari sebuah proses
PsLoggedOn - Who's logged on (mengecek secara lokal atau melalui resource sharing)
PsLogList - Event log records
PsPasswd - Mengubah account password
PsService - Menampilkan dan mengubah services
PsShutdown - Shutdown atau reboot computer
PsSuspend - Suspend/menahan proces
PUSHD - Menyimpan/Save dan mengganti current directory
QGREP - Mencari kata/kalimat di dalam file yg sesuai dgn pola/line yg ditentukan.
RASDIAL - Mengatur RAS connections
RASPHONE - Mengatur RAS connections
RECOVER - Memulihkan/Recover damaged file dari sebuah disk defective (rusak).
REG - Membaca, mengatur, atau menghapus registry keys dan values
REGEDIT - Mengimport/mengeksport registry settings
REGSVR32 - Register/unregister file DLL atau ocx
REGINI - Mengubah Registry Permissions
REM - Merekam/mencatat comments (remarks) di dalam sebuah batch file
REN - mengubah nama file
REPLACE - Mengganti/Replace atau meng-update sebuah file dengan file line
RD - Delete folder
RDISK - Create Recovery Disk
RMTSHARE - Share folder atau printer
ROUTE - Memanipulasi network routing tables
RUNAS - Menjalankan sebuah program dgn menggunakan user account lain.
RUNDLL32 - Menjalankan sebuah DLL command (add/remove print connections)
SC - Service Control
SCHTASKS - Create or Edit Scheduled Tasks
SCLIST - Display NT Services
ScriptIt - Control GUI applications
SET - Display, set, atau remove environment variables
SETX - Set environment variables secara permanent
SHARE - Mendaftar atau edit sebuah file share atau print share
SHORTCUT - Create windows shortcut (.LNK file)
SHOWGRPS - Menampilkan daftar NT Workgroups atau user yang telah joined
SHOWMBRS - Menampilkan daftar Users yg merupakan member dari sebuah Workgroup
SHUTDOWN - Shutdown computer
SLEEP - Menunggu selama beberapa saat
SOON - Menjadwal(schedule) sebuah command untuk beberapa waktu kemudian
SORT - Sort input
START - membuka sebuah window baru, untuk menjalankan program atau command tertentu
SU - Switch User
SUBINACL - Edit file & folder Permissions, Ownership serta Domain
SUBST - Menyesuaikan sebuah path dengan drive letter
SYSTEMINFO - Menampilkan daftar system configuration
TASKLIST - Menampilkan daftar aplikasi dan service yang sedang berjalan
TIME - Menampilkan atau mengubah waktu pada system
TIMEOUT - Delay processing sebuah batch file
TITLE - Menentukan judul window untuk sebuah session CMD.EXE
TOUCH - mengubah timestamps sebuah file
TRACERT - Melacak route ke sebuah remote host
TREE - Tampilan grafis dari struktur folder
TYPE - Menampilkan isi dari sebuah text file
USRSTAT - Menampilkan daftar domain usernames dan last login
VER - Menampilkan version information
VERIFY - Memeriksa apakah files telah ter-save
VOL - Menampilkan disk label
WHERE - Mencari dan menampilkan files di dalam sebuah directory tree
WHOAMI - Menampilkan current UserName dan current domain
WINDIFF - Membandingkan isi dari dua atau lebih file.
WINMSD - Windows system diagnostics
WINMSDP - Windows system diagnostics II
WMIC - WMI Commands
XCACLS - Mengubah file permissions (hak akses)
XCOPY - Copy files dan folders
code Handphone NOKIA
Kode Tombol Rahasia Ponsel Nokia - Kunci Trik Cara Buka Secret Code Akses HP/Handphone/Telepon Selular/Seluler Nokia Anda
Berikut ini adalah kunci kode tombol rahasia yang dapat anda jalankan sendiri dengan mengetiknya di keypad hp ponsel anda yang bermerek Nokia baik yang cdma maupun yang gsm.
1. Melihat IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
Caranya tekan * # 0 6 #
2. Melihat versi software, tanggal pembuatan softwre dan jenis kompresi software
Caranya tekan * # 0 0 0 0 #
Jika tidak berhasil coba pencet * # 9 9 9 9 #
3. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #
4. Melihat nomor / nomer private number yang menghubungi ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 3 0 # (CALL)
5. Menampilkan nomer pengalihan telepon all calls
Caranya tekan * # 2 1 #
6. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena tidak anda jawab (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 1 #
7. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena di luar jangkauan (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 2 #
8. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena sibuk (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 #
9. Merubah logo operator pada nokia type 3310 dan 3330
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 7 0 5 6 4 6 #
10. Menampilkan status sim clock
Caranya tekan * # 7 4 6 0 2 5 6 2 5 #
11. Berpindah ke profil profile ponsel anda
Caranya tekan tombol power off tanpa ditahan
12. Merubah seting hp nokia ke default atau pabrikan
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 8 0 #
13. Melakukan reset timer ponsel dan skor game ponsel nokia
Caranya tekan * # 7 3 #
14. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #
15. Melihat kode pabrik atau factory code
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 6 0 #
16. Menampilkan serial number atau nomer seri hp, tanggal pembuatan, tanggal pembelian, tanggal servis terakhir, transfer user data. Untuk keluar ponsel harus direset kembali.
Caranya tekan * # 92702689 #
17. Melihat kode pengamanan ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 6 4 0 #
18. Melihat alamat ip perangkat keras bluetooth anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 8 2 0 #
19. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terbaik namun boros energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 3 3 7 0 #
20. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terendah namun hemat energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 4 7 2 0 #
21. Menuju isi phone book dengan cepat di handphone nokia
Caranya tekan nomer urut lalu # contoh : 150#
22. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk semua panggilan
Caranya tekan * * 2 1 * Nomor Tujuan #
23. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan yang tidak terjawab
Caranya tekan * * 6 1 * Nomor Tujuan #
24. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan ketika telepon hp anda sedang sibuk
Caranya tekan * * 6 7 * Nomor Tujuan #
Berikut ini adalah kunci kode tombol rahasia yang dapat anda jalankan sendiri dengan mengetiknya di keypad hp ponsel anda yang bermerek Nokia baik yang cdma maupun yang gsm.
1. Melihat IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
Caranya tekan * # 0 6 #
2. Melihat versi software, tanggal pembuatan softwre dan jenis kompresi software
Caranya tekan * # 0 0 0 0 #
Jika tidak berhasil coba pencet * # 9 9 9 9 #
3. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #
4. Melihat nomor / nomer private number yang menghubungi ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 3 0 # (CALL)
5. Menampilkan nomer pengalihan telepon all calls
Caranya tekan * # 2 1 #
6. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena tidak anda jawab (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 1 #
7. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena di luar jangkauan (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 2 #
8. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena sibuk (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 #
9. Merubah logo operator pada nokia type 3310 dan 3330
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 7 0 5 6 4 6 #
10. Menampilkan status sim clock
Caranya tekan * # 7 4 6 0 2 5 6 2 5 #
11. Berpindah ke profil profile ponsel anda
Caranya tekan tombol power off tanpa ditahan
12. Merubah seting hp nokia ke default atau pabrikan
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 8 0 #
13. Melakukan reset timer ponsel dan skor game ponsel nokia
Caranya tekan * # 7 3 #
14. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #
15. Melihat kode pabrik atau factory code
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 6 0 #
16. Menampilkan serial number atau nomer seri hp, tanggal pembuatan, tanggal pembelian, tanggal servis terakhir, transfer user data. Untuk keluar ponsel harus direset kembali.
Caranya tekan * # 92702689 #
17. Melihat kode pengamanan ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 6 4 0 #
18. Melihat alamat ip perangkat keras bluetooth anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 8 2 0 #
19. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terbaik namun boros energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 3 3 7 0 #
20. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terendah namun hemat energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 4 7 2 0 #
21. Menuju isi phone book dengan cepat di handphone nokia
Caranya tekan nomer urut lalu # contoh : 150#
22. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk semua panggilan
Caranya tekan * * 2 1 * Nomor Tujuan #
23. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan yang tidak terjawab
Caranya tekan * * 6 1 * Nomor Tujuan #
24. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan ketika telepon hp anda sedang sibuk
Caranya tekan * * 6 7 * Nomor Tujuan #
Serial Number / CD Keys for emperor rise of the middle kingdom
Serial Number / CD Keys for Windows XP
- ms windows xp profesional : FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
- ms windows xp sp2 : CRTGH-B68P2-XB6JC-44GCD-X9JHM
- windows vista release candidate : PVYFQ-2JTBV-9KXQ2-FQHDY-MTBVH
Recovery Password Yahoo
- Masuk ke Akun Yahoo anda [harus akun yang sudah 30 hari]
- Buat sebuah email ke : – Nanti sebuah email balasan otomatis dari AUTOMATIC SERVER akan masuk ke email anda untuk memberikan PASSWORD baru
- Pada subjek (isikan) : “password recovery”
- Jangan isi bc dan bcc
- [email yang anda lupakan passwordnya] – pada baris pertama
- [email anda sendiri] – pada baris ke dua
- passwordku [AUTOMATIC SERVER membutuhkan untuk mengirim balasan] – pada baris ke tiga
- cgi-bin_RETRIEVE_PASS_BIN_PUB/$et76431&pwrsa – pada baris ke empat
- script< ip:// – pada baris ke lima
- v703&login=passmachine&f=(password)&f=27686 – pada baris ke enam
- &javascript=ACTIVE&rsa#> – pada baris ke tujuh
Hack Windows XP Password dengan Ophcrack
Sebelumnya saya pernah membuat tutorial mengenai Hack Windows XP (SP2) Passwords menggunakan pwdump6. Namun, cara tersebut mengharuskan user dengan status admin agar dapat ‘dump’ file HASH dari Windows. Sekarang saya akan menyampaikan cara lain untuk ‘cracking’ password Windows XP (semua versi) dengan menggunakan Ophcrack.
Ophcrack is a Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainbow tables done by the inventors of the method. It comes with a GTK+ Graphical User Interface and runs on Windows, Mac OS X (Intel CPU) as well as on Linux.
Hebatnya lagi, Ophcrack tersedia dalam bentuk LiveCD, sehingga tidak diperlukan proses instalasi dan tidak perlu password admin, hanya butuh akses agar komputer dapat booting dari CD (biasanya urutan booting default BIOS komputer saat ini dimulai dari CD/DVD ROM, so don’t worry) . Ophcrack LiveCD merupakan Linux yang berbasis SLAX (turunan dari Slackware) dan sudah terdapat Ophcrack dan Rainbow Table untuk cracking password alpanumerik.
Intinya hampir sama dengan cara kerja pwdump6, namun karena Ophcrack menggunakan linux LiveCD sehingga dapat langsung mount file sistem Windows tanpa perlu login ke Windows serta membaca file Hash (windows\system32\config) dan melakukan dump ke file text biasa yang kemudian dapat langsung di crack. Dan hebatnya, tidak perlu Tools seperti JTR lagi, karena crack dilakukan dengan Ophcrack menggunakan Rainbow Table dan memberikan hasil yang sangat cepat.
Ok.. langsung aja kita praktek, tapi sebelumnya pasang disclaimer dulu ah… biar bisa ‘lepas’ tanggung jawab kalau tutorial ini disalahgunakan oleh pihak lain
This document was written in the interest of education and care of awareness for unaware people. The author cannot be held responsible for how the topics discussed in this document are applied.
Lets Begin
Pertama kali anda harus mendownload file ISO Ophcrack LiveCD dari sini. Lalu burn ke dalam CD. Dan selanjutnya boot Komputer ‘target’ dari Ophcrack LiveCD, maka akan tampak seperti ini :
Tekan Enter dan biarkan proses Booting berlangsung. Ophcrack akan otomatis masuk ke windows manager menggunakan fluxbox dan langsung menjalankan Ophcrack. Proses pertama adalah mendapatkan file HASH dari partisi yang berisi file Windows kemudian di dump ke file /tmp/ophcrack.tmp
Kemudian tunggu beberapa saat untuk melakukan cracking.
Saya melakukan pengujian menggunakan spesifikasi sebagai berikut : Prosessor AMD +2000 1.6 Ghz, Memori 256 Mb dan dijalankan menggunakan VM-Ware.
Lalu saya menggunakan password yang sangat sederhana, yaitu ‘password123′ dan ‘password’. Hasilnya, Ophcrack mampu menebak kedua password dengan tepat dan hanya membutuhkan waktu 1 Menit!!
Lalu saya coba untuk mengkombinasikan huruf, angka dan simbol dengan memberikan password : ‘p4ssw0rd’ dan ‘p4ssw0rd~!@#’. Hasilnya, Ophcrack mampu menebak ‘p4ssw0rd’ dengan waktu 8 menit dan tidak dapat menemukan ‘p4ssw0rd~!@#’.
Selain menggunakan CD, dengan sedikit modifikasi, Ophcrack juga dapat dijalankan melalui USB Flashdisk. Caranya dengan menginstall SLAX ke dalam USB Flashdisk dan menambahkan modul ophcrack di SLAX serta menyalin Rainbow Tables ke dalam USB, maka Ophcrack LiveUSB sudah dapat dijalankan
Selain itu, untuk mempersingkat waktu, kita dapat mengambil file HASH terlebih dahulu yang terletak di /tmp/ophcrack.tmp kemudian baru di crack di tempat lain tanpa perlu menunggu lagi di komputer target.
Ibarat pisau bermata dua, Ophcrack dapat menjadi sangat berguna ketika ada seseorang yang lupa password Windows dan ingin me-recovery password dengan cepat dan mudah. Namun disisi lain, Ophcrack dapat juga menjadi ‘senjata’ ampuh bagi cracker untuk menjebol Windows dengan cara yang sangat mudah dan cepat. Bahkan kabarnya Ophcrack ini merupakan tools yang paling cepat untuk crack password Windows. Untuk itu ada beberapa hal yang dapat mengurangi resiko agar password komputer kita tidak ‘dibobol’ dengan mudah.
1. Setting password BIOS komputer dan atur urutan boot agar tidak melakukan booting pertama kali dari CD atau USB.
2. Gunakan password yang terdiri dari huruf+angka+simbol agar tidak mudah di crack.
Oph… Crack!!
This is a guide for cracking passwords in Windows under XP, 2000, 98, and 95, all of which use roughly the same architecture. As you know, passwords are stored in windows in a weak hash form, the first kind of which is called the LM (Lan Manager) Hash. Passwords longer than 7 characters are broken up into 7-character chunks, made uppercase, and then hashed with DES. This means there are only about 237 8-bit hashes instead of 283 16-bit hashes; a good thing for an attacker looking to break a password.
The tool we’ll be using is called Ophcrack, an open-source password cracker. The technology it uses to break Windows passwords is called “rainbow tables” and was described by Philippe Oechslin in Making a Faster Cryptanalytic Time-Memory Trade-Off. A rough way to describe this technique is to say that tables of possible hashes are precomputed so that you can iteratively compare the windows hashes to precomputed bits and piece together the hash and its value more quickly than brute-force guessing.
Please note that federal law prohibits the possession of unauthorized access codes to computer systems. If you want to try cracking passwords, please obtain hashes from your own machine, or use the example hashes I provide here.
1) Setting up shop
The first thing you need is the software and rainbow table sets. You can download Ophcrack 2.2 from Sourceforge, and then browse to LASEC to download the SSTIC04-5k rainbow table. You’ll need a significant amount of memory to load this rainbow table. If you have less than 1 GB of RAM, try the smaller table.
The installation of Ophcrack 2.2 should go smoothly. Make sure you choose to download the tables seperately:
You’ll notice a lot of GTK* files being installed–that’s nothing to worry about. GTK is the Graphical Tool Kit, a way for linux programs to create graphical interfaces.
2) Dude, where’s my hash?
Now that you’ve got Ophcrack and rainbow tables installed, you’ll need hashes. There are three places to find them on Windows XP:
- In the folder C:\windows\system32\config. This folder is locked to all accounts (including an Administrator account) while running, except the special System account.
- In a SAM file from C:\windows\repair if rdisk has ever run
- In the registry, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESAM, which is locked to all accounts
- Boot to linux and copy the file directly from C:\windows\system32\config. This is probably too troublesome for most users, but with a liveCD it’s trivial.
- Run pwdump2, including in Ophcrack, to trick out the registry values. If you didn’t change any settings, it should be installed in C:\Program Files\ophcrack\win32_tools. Here’s an example session from the command line (start, run, type “cmd” and hit enter):
C:\Program Files\ophcrack\win32_tools>pwdump2
Elliott Back:234:aabbcc:3311dd:::
C:\Program Files\ophcrack\win32_tools>
Naturally, I’ve censored the hashes and the number of users. If you’d like some hashes to play with, here are hashes for users with passwords varying from length from 1 to 7 characters long: test-hashes.txt.
3) Let’s get cracking!
Hashes in hand, start up Ophcrack:
Then click “load, PWDump file,” and select either the hashes you got from pwdump2, my sample hash file, or some other source of SAM hashes:
The last thing we need to do is load our rainbow tables. Click “Tables” and select the location and type of rainbow hash table you’re using, in our case the 5k tables:
Now you can click the big “Launch” button and wait. It will first load the tables (0-3 in my case) into memory, a process that takes several minutes. When this is complete, it will begin trying passwords:
The final screen gives a breakdown on how long it takes to actually find these passwords–some of which are quite hard:
All in all, it took 178 seconds on average to crack a windows password–only 3 minutes per hash! In the process it performed 89,030,630 hash-redux calculations and 199,548 fseek operations. It also couldn’t find the password for one of the hashes, which is to be expected. Rainbow tables are non-deterministic and won’t always work. Still, our success rate of 6/7 or 86% is high.
Now you know how to crack windows passwords. When is this a good idea?
- When you buy a computer on Ebay and the owner forgets to give you an Admin account
- When you forget your password
- When a friend forgets their password
- When the security of the country is in danger
- When you buy a computer from government surpluss and want to find its secrets
- When you want to hack up your friends
- When your little sister’s account is too tempting
- When you go visit your girlfriend’s dorm room
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hints & Cheats
Game Guide
· Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Game Guide
Don't trip if you've been getting busted up by the Ballas. Peep this guide to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for everything you need to get through the 'hoods of Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas.
GTA: San Andreas Cheat Codes
Cheat Codes
Enter these during gameplay without pausing: Cheat | Effect |
SQUARE, L2, R1, TRIANGLE, UP, SQUARE, L2, UP, X | Never become hungry |
X X Down R2 L2 O R1 O Square | Peds become asian dudes with Katana's. Mostly black cars and motorcycles patrol the streets. |
Square, R2, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, L2, X | Cars Float Away When Hit |
Right, L2, L2, Down, L2, Up, Up, L2, R2 | Prostitutes pay you instead of you paying them |
Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, X Down | Gives you an automatic six star wanted level |
SQUARE, RIGHT, SQUARE, SQUARE, L2, X, TRIANGLE, X, TRIANGLE | Attracts Prostitutes with Sex Toys/Gimp Suit |
Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right | Unlock Romero |
Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right | Unlock Trashmaster |
L2, Up, R1, R1, Left, R1, R1, R2, Right, Down | No citizens or cops, only gang members having gun fights |
L1 L1 R1 R1 L2 L1 R2 Down Left Up | Turns All Vehicles Into Country Vehicles |
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up | Weapons 1 |
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left | Weapons 2 |
R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down | Lower Wanted Level |
R1, R1, Circle, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left | Raise Wanted Level |
R1, R2, L1 , X, Left , Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up | $250,000, full health and armor (also repairs cars if you are in one) |
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left , Down, Down, Down | Weapons 3 |
R2, R1, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Up, Down | Pedestrians have weapons |
Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1 | Pedestrian Riot (cannot be turned off) |
Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2 | Pedestrian Attack (cannot be turned off) |
Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle | Spawn A Rhino |
Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle | Black Traffic |
Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2 | Spawn Rancher |
Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square | Faster Gameplay |
R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1 | Destroy Cars |
Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2 | Cars on Water |
Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, O, Triangle | Faster Clock |
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square | Overcast |
R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left R1, L1, R2, L2 | Aggressive Traffic |
Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1 | Slower Gameplay |
R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right | Spawn a Stretch |
Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left | Spawn Bloodring Banger |
Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X | Spawn Caddy |
Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1 | Spawn Faster Cars |
Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle | Pink Traffic |
Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1 | Commit Suicide |
R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle | Flying Boats |
Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1 | Insane Handling |
Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1 | All Vehicles Invisible (Except Motorcycles) |
Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1 | All Traffic Lights Stay Green |
R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, circle, R2 | Spawn Hotring Racer #2 |
R1, circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X (2), Square, R1 | Spawn Hotring Racer #1 |
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square | Morning |
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle | Storm |
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle | Night |
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X | Fog |
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down | Noon |
CIRCLE, RIGHT, CIRCLE, RIGHT, LEFT, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, UP | Locks wanted level at however many stars you have. They will NEVER increase or decrease, not even with bribes/cheats. Still get attacked in impound. |
Triangle, Up ,Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Down | Max Fat |
Triangle, Up ,Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Right | Skinny |
Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, Down, Left, Right | Jetpack |
Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, R2, R2 | Jump 10 times higher |
Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2 | Spawns Quadbike |
Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up | Spawns Hydra |
Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down | Spawns Vortex |
L1, L2, L2, Up, Down, Down, Up, R1, R2, R2 | Any vehicle you punch this in, can blow up anything like a tank. |
Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2. | Jump 100 feet in air on bike |
Up, Up, Down, Down, Square, Circle, L1, R1, Triangle, Down. | Everyone bikini babes, all cars beach cars, Cj in shorts and flipflops. |
Right, Up, R1, R1, R1, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1 | Spawn a Monster |
Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Up, Down, Right, L1 | spawn a parachute |
Circle, Up, L1, L2, Down, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle. | Stuntplane |
triangle,up,up,left,right,square,circle,left | Max Muscle |
SQUARE, L1, R1, RIGHT, X, UP, L1, LEFT, LEFT | always midnight (time stuck at 00:00) |
Up, Left, X, Triangle, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L2 | Super Punch |
up, L1, R1, up, right, up, x, L2, x, L1 | Increase car speed |
up, up, square, L2, right, x, R1, down, R2, circle | Full Weapon Aiming Whilst Driving |
square, down, L2, up, L1, circle, up, x, left | Cars Fly |
DOWN, SQUARE, UP, R2, R2, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP | Recruit Anyone (9mm) |
Down, Left, L1, Down, Down, R2, Down, L2, Down | Infinite Lung Capacity |
Left, Left, L2, R1, Right, Square, Square, L1, L2, X | Orange Sky |
R2, L1, L1, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, X, L1, LEFT | spawn dozer |
Up, Down, L1, L1, L2, L2, L1, L2, R1, R2 | Sand Storm |
X, Down, Up, R2, Down, Triangle, L1, Triangle, Left | No Peds, Hardly any traffic, Parked cars still spawn |
Triangle, Triangle, L1, Square, Square, Circle, Square, Down, Circle | Civilians are fast food workers & clowns, CJ is a clown, cars are pizza scooter, BF Injection, HotKnife, Tug, Quad, etc. |
up,x,triangle,x,triangle,x,square,R2,right | all taxis get nitro + jump up when you press L3 |
x,x,square,r1,l1,x,down,left,x | andrenaline mode |
RIGHT, R2, UP, UP, R2, CIRCLE, SQUARE, R2, L1, RIGHT, DOWN, L1 | Aggressive Drivers |
R2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, DOWN, X | Recruits Anyone (w/Rockets) |
Down, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Down, Up, Triangle | Infinite health, still hurt from explosions, drowning, and falling. |
square,square,R2,left,up,square,R2,X,X,X | Improve Suspension |
L1, Circle, Triangle, L1, L1, Square, L2, Up, Down, Left | All Pedestrians Are Elvis |
DOWN, SQUARE, X, LEFT, R1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, L1, L1, L1 | Hitman In all weapon |
L1, R1, SQUARE, R1, LEFT, R2, R1, LEFT, SQUARE, DOWN, L1, L1 | Inf Ammo |
L2, RIGHT, L1, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, RIGHT, R1, L1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1 | Chaos mode |
L2, RIGHT, L1, UP, X, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L1, L1 | All Traffic is Junk Cars |
L1, R1, TRIANGLE, DOWN, R2, X, L1, UP, L2, L2, L1, L1 | Max Respect |
TRIANGLE, LEFT, SQUARE, R2, UP, L2, DOWN, L1, X, L1, L1, L1 | Traffic is Country Vehicles |
SQUARE, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1 | Max All Vehicle stats (Driving, Flying Bike, Cycling) |
X, L1, UP, SQUARE, DOWN, X, L2, TRIANGLE, DOWN, R1, L1, L1 | Peds Attack (Guns) |
R1, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, R2, UP, RIGHT, SQUARE, RIGHT, L2, L1, L1 | Spawn Tanker |
CIRCLE, X, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, CIRCLE, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1 | Spawn Hunter |
L2, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, SQUARE, LEFT, R2, SQUARE, X, R1, L1, L1 | Weather Cloudy |
Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, X, Down, Up, Square, Right | Gang members spawn much faster |
X, Square, Down, X, Square, Up, R1, R1 | Calls the nearest ped to get in your car or get on your bike. Only gives a confirmation message if you're in a vehicle and there's a ped nearby. |
GTA: San Andreas Unlockables
Mission Rewards
Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Flamethrower, Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Homing Rocket Launcher delivered to Mike Toreno's cabin | Beat all of Mike Toreno's missions. |
Get Hunter Quarry Asset and Quarry Mission Time-Trials | Complete all 7 Quarry Missions |
Fireproof CJ | Complete all 12 levels of the Firetruck missions |
Increase Maximum Health to 150 | Complete all 12 levels in the Ambulance mission |
Maximum Armor Boosted to 150 | Complete level 12 of the vigilante missions |
Get RS Haul as an asset property | Complete level 8 of the trucking missions |
Nitro boosts on all Taxis and Cabbies | Complete 50 fares |
Entertaining prositutes earns you money (instead of taking it away) | Complete level 10 of the pimping missions |
Grove Street Families gang members carry Desert Eagles and SMGs | Cover all 100 tags in Los Santos |
$1,000,000 | Get first place in all races at the 4 racing locations across San Andreas (marked with a checkered flag on the map/radar). |
Sniper Rifle, Micro SMG, Shotgun, and Grenades delivered to San Fierro garage. | All 50 Snapshots Taken |
Tec 9, AK47, Sawed-off Shotgun and Molotov delivered to CJ's house in Los Santos | Cover all 100 tags |
Unlockable Vehicles
Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Turismo | Collect 20 vehicles for the Import/Export dock |
Monster | Collect 5 vehicles for the Import/Export dock |
Bullet | Collect 30 vehicles for the Import/Export dock |
Vortex | Collect 25 vehicles for the Import/Export dock |
Bandito | Collect 15 vehicles for the Import/Export dock |
Windsor | Collect 10 vehicles for the Import/Export dock |
Hydra and Rhino at CJ's house | Complete the game 100 percent to have the Hydra Jet and Rhino Tank spawn outside CJ's house on Grove Street. |
Leviathan | Complete the mission "Up, Up, and Away" and the Leviathan will spawn at your airstrip. |
BF Injection | Place 1st in the Dirt Ring race at the stadium in Las Venturas. |
Hotring Racer | Get first place in 8 - Track |
FCR-900 | Get all silver awards in bike school |
NRG-500 | Get all gold awards at Bike School |
Monster Car | Win it by beating 8-track |
Hunter | Get all gold awards in pilot school to spawn one at Verdant Meadows Airstrip |
Bullet | Get all silver awards in driving school |
Freeway | Get all bronze awards in bike school |
JetMax | Get all gold awards in boat school |
Marquis | Get all bronze awards in boat school |
Squallo | Get all silver awards in boat school |
Rustler | Get all bronze awards in pilot school |
Stunt Plane | Get all silver awards in pilot school |
Super GT | Get all bronze awards in driving school |
HotKnife | Get all gold awards in driving school |
Dune | Beat the score of 25 at the Dirt Ring |
Bloodring Banger | Get your total time up to 1 minute in the Bloodring |
Jet Pack | Complete the airstrip asset near Las Venturas |
Hydra | Beat the mission, "Vertical Bird" and it will spawn at your airstrip |
Hovercraft | Beat the story missions |
BP Savanna | Steal it from Cesar after the High Stakes Low Rider mission |
BP Tahoma | Steal it after the House Party mission |
Indestructible Walton | Steal it during the Madd Dogg mission |
Mothership | Steal it during the Are You Going To San Fierro mission |
SWAT tank | Steal it during the End Of The Line mission |
Police Maverick | Unlock the desert and it will spawn on top of the Los Santos Police Station |
Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Increase Luck | Find all 50 Horseshoes in Las Venturas |
Increase Lung capacity and Sex Appeal | Find all 50 Oysters |
SMG, Combat shotgun, M4, and Satchel Charges delivered to Four Dragons Casino | Find all 50 horseshoes |
Unlockable Outfits
Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Police Outfit | Get your relationship to 100 percent with Barbara |
Gimp Suit | Complete the mission "The Key to her Heart" |
Medic Outfit | Get your relationship to 100 percent with Katie Zhan |
Croupier Outfit | Complete the mission "Breaking the bank at Caliqula's" |
Valet Outfit | Complete the mission "555 We Tip" |
Pimp Outfit | Get your relationship to 100 percent with Denise Robinson |
Racing Outfit | Get your relationship to 100 percent with Michelle |
Overalls Outfit | Get your relationship to 100 percent with Helena |
Dating Perks
Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Keep weapons after being wasted | Date Katie |
Keep weapons after being busted | Date Barbara |
Free car respray at Michelle's house | Date Michelle |
Molotov Cocktails, Pistol, Flame Thrower and Chainsaw | Date Helena and the weapons will spawn in the shed |
100% Game Completion Bonuses
Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Stats and cash boost. Rhino and Hydra delivered to CJ's house in Grove Street | 100% Game Completion |
Infinte ammo (Total ammo will raise if you shoot your selected weapon, but will reset back to its original number) | 100% Game Completion |
Dual wield weapons
Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Dual Pistols | Reach hitman level with pistols |
Dual Sawed-Off shotguns | Reach hitman level with Sawed-Off shotguns |
Dual Machine Pistols | Reach hitman level with Machine pistols |
Dual Tec 9s | Reach hitman level with Tec 9s |
Unlockable Assets
Complete the requirments to get money made at that location. Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Burger Shot Asset | Complete the 4 levels of deliveries in Redsands East, Las Venturas. |
Roboi's Food Mart Asset | Complete the 4 levels of deliveries in Los Santos. |
Airstrip Asset | Complete all of Toreno's Missions at the Abandoned Airstrip |
The Johnson House | Take over your first territories at the end of Los Santos |
Wang Cars Asset (San Fierro) | Complete the missions to get the cars (Located at your main Garage) |
Valet Parking Asset (San Fierro) | Complete Level 5 of the Valet Parking |
Zeros RC Shop Asset | Complete all Zero's missions |
Hippy Shopper as an asset | Beat the 4 level couriers mission in San Fierro |
Quarry Asset | Complete all Quarry missions |
Truck Stop Asset | Complete all trucking missions |
Cars obtained through dating girls
Date any of these girls and get your relationship to 50% and you will get the keys to their car. Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Bandito | Date Helena |
Club | Date Millie |
Green hustler | Date Denise |
Romero | Date Katie |
Ranger | Date Barbara |
Monster Truck | Date Michelle |
50K and Free Train Rides
Complete 10 (or level 2) of the freight missions to unlock a free train ride and 50K. Unlockable | How to Unlock |
50K and train rides | complete freight Missions |
Infinite sprint
Complete "Burglary" by having C.J. steal $10,000 worth of stuff. Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Infinite Sprint | Complete "Burglary" |
GTA: San Andreas Easter Eggs
· Idle Screensaver
Do not move CJ for 2-3 minutes. The display will be removed and the camera will start to follow and zoom into any activity going on (ie. Pursuits, fights, people talking).
· Change the size of the moon
Shoot the moon with the sniper rifle and it will grow until it reaches a certain size when he will shrink when you shoot it again.
· Civilian Lemmings
Go to the gym in Las Venturas, and through the bomb garage next to it. Stand in that alley and look at the building across the street to your right -- and you'll see people jumping and walking off the roof. It will only happen if you stand in that alley and watch it from there. It's pretty much a Lemmings Easter Egg since Rockstar North made Lemmings (the company was known as DMA then)
· Funny License Plates
If you import a car at the docks, most but not all cars have plates that differ from normal ones. One says "our fergie", or "disco stu", and a really special one says "ea sucks". Try it out.
· Jesus Saves
In Los Santos there is a wall painting with a heart, Mary and an angel on it and it says: Jesus Saves. In GTA 1 and 2 on the buildings where you saved it said the same thing.
· Gant bridge easter egg
Get a jetpack and fly to the top of the gant bridge. At the top is a sign saying: "There are no easter eggs up here. Go away."
· CJ Sings
If you leave the game on and don't do anything CJ will sing songs heard on the radio. The songs you will most likely hear CJ sing is the songs on your favorite radio station.
GTA: San Andreas Secrets
· Sex Toy Weapon
In Los Santos, go inside any police station and go into the shower room. Inside you will find a purple sex toy you can use as a very powerful weapon.
· Infinite Photos
First, save your game (with a camera). Now, press L1 to take pictures of any photos you want (save it in your gallery), until you're done photographing. When you are, reset the console. The photos you have taken will still be in your gallery, only you won't have lost any film!
· Fast and Easy way to upgrade weapon skills
Take the gun you want to be upgraded and aim it at a tire of any vechicle. Then just keep firing and your skill builds up quick.
· Use the Vortex as a Submarine
Use the Vortex between El Quebrados and the abandoned airfield to take the small unique jump ramp that's on the back of the small shack it's parked next to. When you land in the water, the unique jump slow-motion cinema should keep going, with the camera fixed in one spot. Drive way out into the reservoir, and towards the dam, to the left of the camera's view. You'll disappear from view, but keep going. Eventually you'll run into the side of the dam and the cinema will end, leaving you under water and able to steer the Vortex like a submarine, without draining lung capacity or anything, as if you weren't underwater at all.
· Chilliad Challenge easy win alternative way
Another way to easily complete every race in the Chilliad Challengeis quite simple, throw a grenade at your opponent(s) and they will be eliminated from the race. Normally, using a weapon will get you disqualified, but using a grenade is fine by the games standards, and this method is a lot less cheap than the other one for this challenge, and works just as effectively.
· Get No Stars While Blowing Up Vehicles
In a helicopter you won't get any stars if you use the chaingun for blowing up cars instead of the rockets. Even if they're right behind the guy you're shooting. As long as you don't kill any pedestrians or hit a cop car with a stray bullet.
· No Timer on Quarry Mission
On the mission where you have to steal dynamite for a Wuzie mission you normally have a timer but if you go to the center of the construction site there is a grey stage with a person on it and the dynamite plunger right in front of him. If you kill him the timer will stop and you will have all of the time you need to complete this mission.
· Easy High Score in the Arcade Game "They Crawled From Uranus"
Once the game starts simply hold the joystick in one direction and the aliens' fire will never hit you. If you fire while doing this you can easily rack up points without ever dying.
· Get out of debt trick
To get out of debt, no matter how far you are in, find a Unique Stunt Jump that you haven\'t been rewarded on yet. Hit the jump and you will be rewarded. However, this causes your money counter to reset to all zeroes.
· Free ammo without pay purchase
Enter an ammunation shooting range and then press triangle to leave it. Gives full ammo to whatever gun you had equipped.
· Get Twice the Amount of Progress With Girlfriends
You have to have two controllers for this trick. When you go to your girlfriend's house you have a choice of either going on a two player free roam or going on a one player date. However, at the end of the one player date the two player icon (usually located by the door) will linger for a few seconds. You have to quickly go into the icon and activate it before it disappears. After that you can either end the free roam quickly or play around it doesn't matter. If your one player date was good and you gained progress you will gain even more progress from the free roam. However, if you had a bad date you lose more progress by activating it.
· Infinite Spray Paint
In the earlier Sweet Mission "Tagging up Turf" you receive an infinite spray paint can. Since there is no timer on this mission, you can go around Los Santos with the FAQ tag map and spray all the tags without refilling the paint. Sweet!
· Basketball Cheat
If you have a wanted level and start to play basketball, you cannot be injured in any way.
· Have your picture taken.
To have a homie take your picture you need a gun and a camera. First Recruit a homie by targeting them with a gun and pressing up on the d-pad.
Then swith from a gun to the camera then walk near your recruited hommie. A message will appear on the screen. It will say to have your picture taken press l1.If you press l1 you will get to take a picture of yourself.
Then swith from a gun to the camera then walk near your recruited hommie. A message will appear on the screen. It will say to have your picture taken press l1.If you press l1 you will get to take a picture of yourself.
GTA: San Andreas Glitches
· Early Bulletproof Savanna
After you finish the 'High Stakes, Low-Rider' Mission, Cesar and his car stay at the finish line, doors locked. You can push the car to the nearest garage and the doors will become unlocked.
· Headless CJ
Find a katana, then go into two player mode (by finding a icon that shows two red figures). Have player two chop your character's head off, and then when you go back into one-player mode CJ will have no head, and a nasty little blood effect.
· Stop Rival Gangs from taking your Territories
To stop a rival gang from taking your Territories, go to a safe house and save when ever the message "your area is under attack" appears on the screen. This will stop the attack and you get to keep you area. Warning: This may cause permanant negative effects to your game.
· Cell Phone Guns
When talking on the cellphone, press Triangle to end the conversation then quickly switch to the tec9, in your hands you will have a cellphone that shoots!
(deactivates when you enter a vehicle)
(deactivates when you enter a vehicle)
· Super Bike Jump
This requires that you are have a gun that can be used while riding a bicycle. Immediately after you release the jump button (L1), tap circle. You should tap and release fast enough so the gun does not actually fire. You can jump over 2 stories high this way if you time it right.
· Mountain Bike Morphing
This glitch is similar to the bike morph glitch in vice city, but it has a limited area that you can use it. In this area you can not fall off the bike, so you can do flips and all other kind of insane stunts. To do this glitch you need:
1: Go to the top of Mount Chiliad
2: Get a Parachute (there’s one by the Journey on top of the Mountain)
3: Get on the mountain bike parked at the top of the mountain to start the mission “The Chiliad Challenge”
4: Use the ramp to the left of the beginning of the mission to fly of the mountain. Jump off in midair and open the parachute.
2: Get a Parachute (there’s one by the Journey on top of the Mountain)
3: Get on the mountain bike parked at the top of the mountain to start the mission “The Chiliad Challenge”
4: Use the ramp to the left of the beginning of the mission to fly of the mountain. Jump off in midair and open the parachute.
If done correctly you should now be morphed with the bike (parachute still open) Now you can do insane stunts without falling of your bike.
· Wide Screen Mode
To do this go to any airport, and book a flight to anywhere. When you see the plane appear on the runway put in the "destroy all vehicles" cheat. You will die, and be sent to the nearest hospital, but the screen will stay wide screen. Ya know black bars at the top, and bottom of the screen. Note:The only way to get out of the wide screen mode is to book another flight, and either jump out of the plane, continue to the other airport, or do a mission. Also you will not be able to see the map, health, or armor bars, weapon, money, wanted lvl. and you cannot pause, or save the game.
· Underworld Gateways
You'll need a jetpack to explore the Underworld.
Gate#1: Go to the sea's cliffs east of Los Venturas near Sobell Rail Yard. Now fly along the ledge near water level. There is a glitchy rock wall that you can pass through in one point. The wall twitches and shakes. When you get in, you may have to fly north a little before it lets you get under fully.
Gate#1: Go to the sea's cliffs east of Los Venturas near Sobell Rail Yard. Now fly along the ledge near water level. There is a glitchy rock wall that you can pass through in one point. The wall twitches and shakes. When you get in, you may have to fly north a little before it lets you get under fully.
Gate#2: It's in a corner wall of your safehouse in Vinewood, right by the pool. Just walk into the wall at different spots until you find it.
· Free paint jobs at Loco Low co. and Wheel Arch Angels
Tired of having the garages take away your beloved paint jobs on your cars? Don't want to spend $500 on a pretty flame paint job? Take your vehicle of choice to the Mod Shops across the state. When you are in the shop, highlight your painting of choice. Now press X and then Triangle VERY Quickly. Your car should have the paint job and you don't have to pay the money. However, this doesn't work with anything else. (colors, spoilers etc.) Also note that this will not fix up your car, and it will still be beat up.
· No Traffic
Start a new game and get to the OG Loc missions. At the beach mission, talk to the DJ and respond positively. When she says lets dance, instead of talking to her again just run away and there will be no cars on the road. Save game, so you can do this whenever you want
Some fun things to do with this glitch are to turn on "all people hate you" cheat for zombie style survival horror game, or turn up the wanted level for fastest police chases ever.
· Refill Nitro
Whenever your nitro runs out, leave your vechicle and get back in. Your ni
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